Medical Services & Surgery

With over 50 years of experience in general surgery, most of your pet's medical and surgical needs can be accomplished by AVC’s skilled veterinarians.

Medical Care and Therapy

Arlington Veterinary Center offers a broad range of medical therapies and support services for your pet from the simplest treatment protocols to open wound care and certain types of chemotherapy.


Most of your dog’s surgical needs can be performed by our competent veterinary staff. Knee surgeries, fracture repair, and many other orthopedic procedures can be performed at AVC by mobile surgeon, Dr. Caleb Vaughan. Some surgeries may require referral to one of the excellent veterinary surgery specialty centers in the DFW area.

Hospital Care

The Arlington Veterinary Center provides exquisite hospital care facilities for our patients whether for day surgery or extended hospital care.

Pick your pet species below for the most personalized experience.

For Medical Services


Now Offering Boarding and Day Care